Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ok I know its been a while.....

What can I say the time has flown by and I have been very lacking in keeping up my blog. The summer has been terrific the weather beautiful and we have spent alot of time outside.

The kids love the new house and we do too. We grew tomatoes this year and for our first try in our new home we did pretty good.

Gina turned 4 years old in July and I can hardly believe how quickly time has flown by. Joey is now 2 1/2 and the little man of the house. He walks around the house with his hand in pocket say, "I've got my keys, I will take care of everything"...Just like his daddy. So sweet.

Now with summer coming to a close we are focusing on the near future getting the house sold in Quincy and working on our new house.

Here are some pictures from our summer.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Where the fun is

We now have our dock fixed and the upper deck in order. So we are really enjoying our time outside. As you can see I found and awesome picnic table for the kids. I am still on the hunt for a table for me and Vin.

My Little Farmers

My little farmers helping out with daddy's tomato plants.

Sunsets at Home

Long Week End Fun

So this year for Memorial Day I took an extra day and have been home since Friday. I have to say I love extended weekends. Its awesome being home with the kids and Vin. We had so much fun. The weather was awesome and the kids had a blast in the pool and playing out side. It was relaxing and eventful. The both of best worlds. Now its 8:45pm and the kids are in bed and Vin I are winding down. Back to work tomorrow...but lets not think about that for now...Vin and I are sitting at the kitchen table, eating pizza - Vin's reading his book and obviously I am blogging and downloading photos from the weekend. Who knows what tomorrow will bring to follow.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Big Vinny and little "Vinny"...

This picture crack's me up everytime I look at it! Vinny's in the back round blowing bubbles for "kids" and Joey is stealing all the bubble soap on his way by...But ,what is funny is the look on Joey's face if you have ever seen Vinny make the same exact face you know what I am talking about. Joey is Vinny's "mini me"!

Ok I am a month (almost) behind again....

I am almost a month behind, again I know. I have to say things are really not stressful, just busy. Vin and I are busy getting the rest of our things transferred over to Indiana from Mass. Cars, insurance, doctors, dentist etc. You can't even imagine the paper work involved to get a license and registration here! Wow!

I am happy to say we are almost done with all of it. Just in time to enjoy the summer on the lake. The kids are doing awesome, Gina is really coming into her own now, she is getting smarter by the minute and with that comes its own challenges. She always has a story to tell me every night when I come home and always wants to help fold the laundry. My big boy Joey is growing as well, not only his he big for his age ( size 3T )he is talking up a storm and making sentences - its amazing how quickly he put it all together. The kids actually play together now more and play nice more often now, than just fighting over toys. (Thank goodness!)

I can honestly say everyone is settling in nicely and we all like the area we picked. Vin told me the other day at first he wasn't sure because of how far away everything "seemed" to be. But, now that he has the hang of it (mind you the store is only 10 minutes away!!) it has grown on him. He is very excited to start fishing soon like a kid on Christmas morning. I can hear him giggling (yes, giggling) in the garage as he works on his fishing rods - getting them ready for the big "splash down". I love to see him so happy. Its been along time and a long road.
Have a fabulous Thursday!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Humor

OK I can't resist - These make me laugh every time!

Hope they make you laugh too!

Spring Shoe Shopping

Tis the season for new shoes, I love this time of year it marks the start of spring/summer when I get to take the kids out for new shoes. Last weekend we hit the shoe store in Ft Wayne looking for new sneakers and sandals for them. My kids have big feet! Gina is wearing an 8 1/2 wide and Joey is wearing a 7 1/2 wide!

Here is some pictures of Gina riding the horse in the shoe store. (Joey didn't want to - I think he was frighten of it). There a little blurry it was my cell phone and the horse was moving.

Joey the "Foil"

Another sign that Gina is smart as a whip and growing up quickly - probably more quickly than I would like.

The other morning Gina ask Vin if she could have pancakes for breakfast and Vin said, "No, honey not today we have a lot to do this morning so we are going to have cereal." She leaves the kitchen disgruntled at the thought of no pancakes, but goes on her way. About a minute later Joey comes in the kitchen and says "Pancakes, Pancakes" - Ah my Gina has figured out already how to make her brother a partner in "crime". Oh, I can hardly wait to see what she comes up with next and of course Joey will gladly follow along just happy to "play" with Gina.

I think I am in trouble here....

Ok I am behind again on the blog

Yes, I know I have been hearing it from everyone. "Update the blog". What can I say life has been moving at a crazy rate of speed lately and time just seems to drift away. I have a couple of updates for you and some story's I think you will enjoy.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hello Spring - How I have missed you!

Today its 50 degree's out and I am loving this little taste of what's to come! 15 days until the Spring Equinox!

Oh ya don't forget to set your clock's ahead this weekend!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Christmas Day - Part 3 & Moving Day

Ok, so this posting should wrap up the Christmas pictures and moving day pictures. I will have some Halloween pictures and hotel pictures for you shortly and then I should be all caught up and ready for new adventures!

And moving day - The truck has arrived!

We are almost packed!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Christmas Eve - Part 2 - Cookies for Santa

OK, I know its super late -getting these posted! But I have finally had time to work on pictures this past weekend. Here is my big girl making - Milk/Egg free sugar cookies on Christmas Eve night for Santa! She was so proud of herself, as I am of her! My Big Girl!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Joey's Birthday Party

Tonight we celebrated Joey's birthday with his favorite meal Cheeseburgers and Fries (made by daddy, of course) and Chocolate cupcakes. He also, opened his presents from gram pa and gram ma. He love his plane and ended up going to bed with it, Which I have to sneak into his room and take it out of his bed once he falls asleep.

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Thank you to gramma and grampa for the fedex!

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday my Sweet Little Boy!! I can hardly believe you are two!!

You have learned so much over the last year, you can count to 15, feed yourself, dance, sing, and speak in full sentences. You love Elmo, music, books and time to yourself.

I am so proud of you little man!


Ok I know its been a while since I posted.....

Its been busy...I can't even remember the last time I posted anything. Life is good. My new job is great, people are friendly and I seem to be rolling into the transition/training smoothly. I have been here now a month and in Indiana for six weeks. We have had some ups and downs getting used to life here, but all in all I think it was the best choice for my family. Now that I have my computer set up at home and the house unpacked I will be back to regular blogging!

Friday, January 9, 2009

From Hotel to Home

Well, finally we are heading into our new house. We have been at the Marriott now for a week and I just finished packing up our stuff here at the hotel so I can unpack it at the house. I feel as if this has been one of the longest week's of my life.

The trip out was not good - hot,gross, the kids were scared. Then we finally arrive at the hotel and head out to see the house and its a mess, repairs need to be made and its dirty...To say the least I was not happy. Vin and I met with the owner and let him know what needed to be repaired and that the house needed to be cleaned prior to us moving in. He agreed - and the work began. Vin kept an eye on the maintence crew and cleaning crew and I stayed with the kids.

Lets hope things get easier quickly!