Monday, June 30, 2008

Aww.......The Weekend!

OK, so I had all of these great idea's cooking in my head for the weekend last Friday. Lots of fun stuff - going to play with the kids and get them out side and have fun fun fun.....

Well, like any well made plan it fell apart....Friday night was spent shampooing the rugs in the living room , office, and couch. My husband's brillant idea that lasted late into the night! I did help - but I was not thrilled I wanted to come home from work do our usual routine with the kids get them in bed and then sit down with a glass of wine and relax... No dice ,GRRRR. Don't get me wrong the rugs do need some TLC - but at 7:00pm at night you want to start this project? HELLO - Friday night!!! Ok, I am over off I went to move stuff out of the way and switch the couch pillows from the washer to the dryer, etc and soforth.

I do have to say the rugs look beautiful and my husband did a great job. As far as, the rest of the weekend we did manage to get outside before the next rain storm hit and enjoy. The kids got to run and expel some needed energy.

I guess you could chaulk up this weekend to we worked some and we played some. It work out ok. Have a good Monday!

Friday, June 27, 2008

I Have Embraced Blogging!

I have finally embraced blogging! I have read many terrific blogs and always wondered, Should I start a blog? I honestly didn't think I would have much to say or anything people would want to read about.

Then one day I was reading a blog about a family who had lost a loved one due to suicide and it dawned on me, I should be writing about the adventures of my family, or at the very least the daily chaos that occurs when you work full time and have two little ones under the age of three if for no other reason then to "capture" the moments.

Now I am not trying to be morbid and god for bid something happened to my family, but reading that blog really brought home something that we all to often forget. Life is short so make the most of it!

Live everyday to the fullest and note the days that are worth remembering, hell note that days that aren't worth remembering if you want to. Just don't take things for granted. Ok, I will get off my soap box now....

I don't know how often I will blog, but I hope to on a regular basis. The odds are though it probably won't be, as often as I would like given the fact that my computer is dying a slow dealth, I barely find time to vacuum the upstairs bedrooms and finally at the end of the day, when the kids are all tucked in and the kitchen is clean, I collapse in a chair next to my awesome husband in the front of the TV just for some mindless entertainment. But, I will do my best.

Wish me luck on my new adverture!