Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve- Pictures Added

Its Christmas Eve and 9:30pm - All the gifts for the kids are wrapped. I even made sugar cookies with Gina tonight for Santa. Oh what a ball she had - she did such a great job! Her favorite cookie cutter was the snowman. So, Santa ended up with about eight snowmen. I got quite a few shots of her making cookies and I can't wait to post them. She is getting so big and so independent. Right before the kids where sent off to bed for the night Gina, Vin, and I set out Santa's snack and the food for the reindeer of course!

I wasn't able to get the Christmas tree up this year (its already packed for moving).So after the kids went to bed I ran down to the basement and grabbed some Christmas lights and strung them through the curtain rods in the dining room. It looks great and I think the kids will get a big kick out of it. I will tell them Santa hung the lights up for us, because he knew we were in the process of moving and thought he would help us out.

I think the kids are going to have a great time tomorrow. Well, off to bed I go - Gina is busting at the seams to she what Santa has brought her. So we will be up early.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Working on some picture collages and thought I would post one. Love this one, tried to do something in from birth to now.
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Everything is better with a Donut

I have always loved donuts! Yes, those very bad for you sweet treats that are decorated for everything from Forth of July to Christmas. Small ones, big ones - love them all! My most favorite donut is glazed! I will eat them all the time and I am not afraid of weight gain or cholesterol. It is a simple pleasure in life I must have.
Gina can't have donuts so I never bring them home because its not fair to have something in the house she is allergic too. So this weekend I set out on a mission to make a "Gina" donut that she could enjoy, as much as I do. I am happy to say I figured out a way to make munchkin donuts this weekend and she loved them as much as I thought she would!
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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ahh Relaxation......

Its 10pm on a Saturday night and everyone is asleep but me. I am sitting here with my new laptop that was given to me by some wonderful friends on my last day of work on Friday. I was able to get a wireless router today - in the middle of a snow storm. Yes, I am impatient and hooked it up. So I am sitting my couch with my feet up relaxing....and blogging. Wow this is great - I feel like the queen of the manor!!! Such luxury for a peasant such as me.

Today, was another busy day in yet the stream of busy that continues as we pack and get ready to move. Ok, I am sick of this topic as well, we are going on a month now of me discussing THE MOVE. I know you all get it I am moving .....blah, blah...Picking up my life and starting a new job, trying to sell my house in the middle of a recession.

So let me talk about something else. I have the most amazing people in my life. People that go out of their way to help me or my family. To listen and offer support. People that I am truly blessed to know and to share time with. I am so grateful to be able to stop tonight take a breath and think about them. These people are amazing they drive in snow storms to come clean my house, to help me pack, to give me things they know I really want but don't have to have.

I don't think I could have made the decisions have made over the last year if it were not for these people who selflessly give of their time to help me when I really needed the help.

A thank you seems shallow and not strong enough for the overwhelming love and support I feel. But I can't think of anything stronger with out sounding condensing.... So thank you to all my friends for your time, talent, love and support.

I wish you the very best new year and I look forward to returning the favor in full force over the coming years.
Sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Its all coming together

Vin and I have finally made some head way in cleaning out the house, packing, getting all the details of the move coordinated and it looks like we will be able to take a "break" for Christmas. Our goal was to get everything done by the end of this week so we could sit and relax with the kids for a week prior to leaving.

We have busted our butts for six weeks straight and I have to say its nice to see the results. The kids are definitely getting restless with all the activity because its not the norm for them. All I want for Christmas is a nap.....just kidding!

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Something other than packing, cleaning and getting ready to move!

The weather finally broke this week and I was able to take a break from clean out the house and packing to get the kids off to the park.
Although, it was chilly they had a ball and was great to get them out for fresh air and run around time.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Indiana Here We Come!

Wow, I can't believe its almost been a month since I posted last. Things have been crazy. I decided after Vin and I discussed (at length), last month that I would take a job offered to me in Fort Wayne, Indiana and now we are busy getting ready to move out there at the end of this month.

Its a big move for us and something we are both excited about! So I will post when I can and I do have pictures from Halloween and other activities we have squeezed in during all of this that I will get posted. So bare with me as we get settled and hope to be blogging actively in my new home soon!!

Look out Indiana here come the Harris's!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Relax and take a deep breath....


I just got back from voting, and on my way to the office I saw a work friend and she had ask what I did for lunch. I said, "I voted". She replied "Why bother"? I just kind of looked at her and said,"Because its important that everyone, vote." She just looked at me blankly and continued to walk out the door.

No matter who you vote for it is important to make your presents known. My dad always says - "You have no right to bitch about the country, if your not going to vote!". " So, i guess if you want to bitch about the country you better get out there and vote!"

Have a Terrific Tuesday!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Marvelous Monday

Happy Monday! Ewww...Did everyone remember to turn there clocks back?

Here is a picture of Gina pretending to be a flower. She has her purple tutu on her head. I thought it was pretty creative of her to come up with that. My job, of course, was to "water" her so she could "grow." Sorry about the quality I took it with my camera phone - she still hates the regular camera because of the flash. She is saying cheese in the picture...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Faith Hill - Where Are You Christmas

For my Sister. Eight weeks to go enjoy!

Found a couple of pictures of Gina

I found these pictures last night as I was going through my web albums. Its rare these days that I can get a good shot of Gina, because she now hates the camera.

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone has a great Halloween, whether you are heading to a party, or taking your kids out trick or treating or just watching a scary movie. Enjoy!! I will have Halloween pictures of the kids to share next week!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I am Ernie

For fun and a little mental health break, I took an online quiz to figure out which Sesame Street Character I am. Check it out - if you have time.

Here is what the quiz said about me:

You Scored as Ernie
Ernie is a dreamer with a strong imagination. He's always thinking, imagining, and playing word games. He's mischievous and a bit of a trickster. He's good natured, bubbly, wise, playful, naturally outgoing, very affectionate, and spontaneous. He always has a good time and he knows he is funny. This crafty free-spirit always finds a way to come out on top!

What is funny is Ernie is one of my favorite characters next to cookie monster who was my all time favorite growing up. Secretly, I still love Sesame Street and watch it with the kids when ever its on.

Sometimes you just can't win.....

My week started out like any other really, get up , get dressed, get the kids up, and off to work. Wednesday, the kids were sound asleep, didn't even wake up when I was using the hair dryer, which is usual because it lets off an echo in the bathroom. So I got dressed -poked my head into their room and I gave them each a kiss and off I went to work.

Boy, was I in trouble when I got home! Gina was mad and she made it known that she was not happy I left her without waking her up and saying good buy. So, I explained - partially annoyed that I am getting berated by a three year old! That she was a sleep and I didn't want to wake her, BUT if she would like me to wake her tomorrow morning then I would be happy too.

Gina, satisfied with the explanation and proposed solution toddled off to watch Little Bear while waiting for dinner.

So this morning ever mindful of the events yesterday I woke Gina up and said - "Sweetie time to get up, lets go down stairs". What did I get in turn?, "OH, MAN I am still tired and its dark out!"
With that she walked down the stairs and lied on the couch with the blanket over her head.

Sometimes you just can't win no matter how hard you try!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Its been almost three weeks! Yeek!

Sorry guys, I didn't realize how much time had pasted. Wow, I am totally off track. Well, a lot has been going on. I will discuss in further detail, as soon as I have all the information. But, I can at least tell you it will be a life changing adventure.

The kids are doing great we hit a rough patch there for a week or two where everyone stopped listening doing what they were told. But they both seem like they are back on track.

Halloween is this week - I can't believe its the end of the month! Amazing! I have a ton of pictures to down load from my camera that I hope to share shortly. Bare with me I will get back on track soon!

Have a Terrific Tuesday!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fabulous Friday

Ahhh, Friday and a long weekend! Could you ask for anymore than that. I hope everyone had a chance to register for the free handbag give away! What a great way to promote a new business. I look forward to checking out this new website when its up and running.

So, plans for the weekend will involve getting outside with kids (expecting beautiful weather), hanging out with my sister, baking, cleaning and working on my web photo album, which I hope to share on this blog soon. What is everyone else doing? Ok, I know people are reading my blog I can see the counter. But, no one leaves me any comments other my sister(thanks Beck)....So come on people - share let me know what you are doing for the weekend, if you like the blog or hate the blog, or suggestions for the any comment you want. If would make my Friday, pretty please!

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and if you are off for Columbus Day enjoy!

Happy Birthday Dad!! See you when you get back from your trip!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Calling all handbag lovers!

Yup you guessed it. I love handbags - I am a handbag junkie. Well, I came across this contest while reading another blog this morning and decided to go check out the contest. A company called Handbag Planet is giving away the bag posted above. But, if you don't like that one you can pick from 24 other styles!!! Pretty cool! Just enter your first name and email address that's it!! Go to and enter there is no catch and nothing to buy!
Good luck!! I would love to win a new bag!!
Happy Wednesday! Oops!! I don't know what day it is anymore!!
Happy Thursday!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Chair Rail Design by Gina

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I came home from work and noticed on the chair rail in the dinning room - this lovely set of blocks lined up the length of the chair rail. When it came time to clean up for dinner I started to remove them and I got a "Don't take down my decoration mommy, please." I look down at her face and she was smiling a big smile and asked, "Don't you like my decoration", I said, "Of course its beautiful you did a terrific job." So I decided -hey why not leave it. Here are a couple of pictures .

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Changing of the leaves...begins

I can't believe today is September 30Th! It is amazing to me how fast time goes by! Wow, and now begins the foliage season. Below are some pictures of New England foliage. I love these and thought you would enjoy!

Big Maple

Lake view

Foliage with a View of the City of Boston

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, September 29, 2008


Vinny is an avid bass fisherman, he loves to get out there on the lake with his friends and try and catch the "big one." It's his down time to decompress. Gina decided after daddy left for fishing she was going to "go fishing too". Here is a picture of my little fisherman! The Mt. Dew box was her tackle box, the plastic golf club was her fishing rod and of course she had her fishing hat on.

Sorry the picture is so blurry -its from my camera phone. She won't let me take her picture with my regular camera because of the flash.

Marvelous Monday

Well, here we are its Monday and its been raining for three days in a row, UGH!! I haven't written for a while life has been busy to say the least. More on that later.

Given the fact the it rained all weekend we decided to hang out in our sweats and watch movies and eat popcorn. It was nice to just sit back and relax given the crazy week. The kids are doing great growing like weeds. Joey's new trick is climbing up on the kitchen chairs and up on the top of the kitchen table. Not cool! I had almost forgotten about this stage - Gina did the same exact thing at 18 months. So, now we are back to vigilantly watching where Joey is at all times. Not that we don't keep an eye on the kids, but we could let them play in the living room and just pop in and out while doing something else around the house for a few minutes. Hopefully, Joey will move past this stage quickly! Keep your fingers crossed!
Well off to work I go. I have a lot of pictures to post from my camera. I hope to do that tonight.
Have a Marvelous Monday!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Fabulous Friday!

OK I know the picture is a nauseating but I couldn't resist. Well we made it through the week and heading for the weekend! Ya...

The kids are doing well settled back into the routine after vacation fairly quickly, which is good news. I am so glad its the weekend! Aww love the weekend!
Have a good one!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today as we know is the annversary of 9/11 and as I started my day I remembered back to that horrible day that started out as a crisp, sunny morning with just a hint of fall in the air. As I walked to work that morning I remember thinking what a beautiful day. Shortly, after my arrival at the office the first plane struct the World Trade Center and I couldn't believe what I was hearing on the radio I went to a friend of mine and remember saying "Why is this happening!" Shortly after that my office was sent home; I can remember walking back home and the streets were silent, you could hear a pin drop, I looked up and saw 2 F16 scream by as they headed to Logan airport. I will never forget that feeling of sorrow and fear as I slowly walked up the street to my apartment.
As the days progressed I remember being glued to the TV listening to the stories of the many people who lost there lives and wondering if this country would ever be the same after this.
Today, my life has changed so much in the past seven years since 9/11 I am so grateful for the opportunities I have in my life, for Vinny, my family, my kids and friends. Today reminds all of us to slow down to stop and smell the roses and be thankful for all that we have.
I think of those who lost there lives and hope they are at peace.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Green Eggs and Ham Anyone?

Have you ever tried to read Green Eggs and Ham when your exhausted? Well, I did and let me tell you it is a brain bender at 8:30 at night after your first day back to work after a vacation.

Gina and Joey both did really well yesterday with the transition of mommy going back work. I was really glad no one melted down and gave Vinny a hard time. So, after Joey was in bed, Gina and I spent some one on one time together. Gina picked Green Eggs and Ham as her bed time story. It was all I could do to get the words out in an audible manner. At one point Gina looked at me with this inquisitive look, "Hm, Mommy can't ready either"! It was pretty funny. But she was patient with me as I stumbled through. Then off to bed she went. Although, the book was a tongue twister it was worth getting to spend one on one time together. I even got an "I Love you, Mommy". Love you to baby!

Have a terrific Tuesday!


Pictures received from Auntie Lynda - Some are a couple months old but I had to share.
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Monday, September 8, 2008

Marvelous Monday

Bummer, back from vacation! It was awesome I loved being home and just being a mom. We spent alot of time outside playing and enjoying the weather I couldn't have asked for a better week. The kids had a blast in pool and loved just hang out and playing ball, drawing pictures with them and fixing meals.

Vin and I were able to get alot done around the house and I took the kids to there doctor appointments. Gina is 36 inches tall and finally hit the 30 pound mark which is terrific. Joey is 33 inches tall and 26 and 3/4 pounds! He is a big boy for his age. Gina also had her allergy testing done, and the results were very disappointing her numbers stayed the same for eggs and milk and her whey numbers went up. So no milk products or eggs this year. We will try again next year.

This morning was hard Gina wanted "Mommy to not go to work and stay home and play." I tried to explain that vacation was over and Mommy had to go back to work. She understood but was not happy at all. Hopefully, she is a good girl today for daddy. Joey was ok, because he didn't see me leaving the house - I am sure after he figured it out their may have been some tears but I am hoping as well that he is a good boy for daddy.

Well back to work I go! Have a Marvelous Monday!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


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A Case of Missing Mommy....

I came home from work yesterday to Vin with a tired smile on his face. He looked like he had - had one of those days.....and he did.

Unbeknownst to me, Joey had cried for 30 minutes yesterday morning when I left for work. In between the cries and Vin trying to comfort him - was the words "Ma, Ma". I have been dreading this phase.

Joey is my happy go luckily guy and didn't really seem affected by my leaving in the morning. Once in a while there was a little whimper, but then he was off to play trucks or chase Gina around. But now its different, he is now full blown crying when I leave and it breaks my heart. I know its a phase - Gina did it for a while at 18months old and it pasted, as will Joey go through it and it will past. It's one of those time when I hate being a working mom. I want to chuck it all and stay home. But, I know at this stage its not possible. So, I pick myself up and keep on moving.

As I left this morning I took my sweet time getting out the door. I spent extra time with Joey this morning in hopes my leaving the house wouldn't be as tramatic as it was yesterday. I gave them both extra hugs and kisses and headed out. I am not sure yet how it turned out, whether Joe broke down or if he was distracted enough by the Wiggles he didn't realize I left. I will find out tonight. Wish me luck!

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Vacation count down!

Three more days until vacation offically starts! I can't wait, I will be off for 10 days total. I can't remember my last vacation - I think it was Christmas.

So far, Vinny and I have planned a few day trips to the beach and Eddiville Railroad which the kids will love. Other than that we will just see where the days take us. I am looking forward to just being home and spending time with the kids and Vin.

Monday, August 25, 2008


As we all know friend and family are important parts of our lives and what makes us human. Sometimes I think Friends are even more special then family because you can pick them. I have spoken about the different kinds of friend I have and how lucky I am to have them.

Well, Gina is the same way she has different types of friends from her daycare days, the park etc. This weekend we went up to visit her best buddy Livi. Gina and Livi started daycare together at three months old and became fast friends as they reached there developmental milestones together. Now three years later we still stay in touch and we visit each others houses for "play dates". I love to see the girls together they have a great time and I hope they will remain friends for years to come.

Have a great Monday!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

This weekend is jamm packed with stuff! I can't wait. Saturday and Sunday the weather is going to be beautiful. We are spending the day outside at all costs. The goal is no inside activities! Quick get outside before the summer is over!!

The outside activity check list:

The kiddie pool is set up........Check
Sidewalk Chaulk out..........Check
Sand toys out.......Check
Bikes and ride on toys........Check
Lawn chairs........check
Drink, snack and sun block.....check


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Its been awhile!

I just realize how busy I have been I haven't posted to my blog in a week now. Just to recap the rest of last week was a race against the clock to have the house ready for the party by Sunday. I seriously don't know what happened with Vinny and I we went nuts; cleaning, scrubbing, throwing stuff away (my personal favorite) , and shampooing the rugs. It was like spring cleaning extreme!

Now that is not to say my house is a pig pen, but we just went the extra mile and now we are all set for the fall. Now we won't have to do some of the big cleaning (shampooing the rugs) until Thanksgiving.

By Sunday Morning Vinny and I had been going now stop and we were beat, but we didn't let that stop us. Vinny was cleaning the grill and it broke - off to home depot to pick up parts, quickly get back home (fingers crossed) put the grill back together before everyone arrives. I picked up Gina's balloon's the night before - big mistake. She woke up Sunday Morning to deflated balloons. She had tears in her eyes - so like any mom would do - off to IParty I go ( in my tee shirt and sweats) Not a pretty picture - No shower yet - and get new balloons. Return back at the house by 11;35am and everyone was coming at Noon!! Jump in the shower (oh but first Joey's tired, bring him upstairs and put him down for a nap) Ok now, jump in the shower and jump out, get dressed and head down stairs - people were arriving. Just made it in the nick of time! Everyone seemed to have a terrific time and I couldn't have asked for better weather. It was beautiful day!

My Gina however, didn't seem to enjoy the day all the much, she was very shy and didn't like being the center of attention. She found it hard to deal with all the people calling to her and wanting to spend time with her. She didn't want to be sung too, or open presents at first so that was a little tricky to get around. Once she relaxed we were able to get her to open her presents.

She loves all of her presents and has had a ball this week playing with each of them. Thank you to everyone for being so generous.

Pictures to follow soon! I have to track some down. I didn't take a picture the whole day, to busy being the hostess. But I will have some soon.

Have a terrific Wednesday!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Almost Party Time

Gina's Birthday party is this weekend (finally) between the weather, schedules, and finances we have finally made it to her party. I can't wait - I am so excited for her she is going to have a great time. Vinny and I are busy getting the house clean, the food shopping done and all the last minute errands out of the way. I am so looking forward to seeing the look on her face when she see her new bike! She is going to lose her mind!! And of course, Vin wants to shampoo the rugs before the party. You know how much I love move furniture around. Oh well, it does look nice when its done. So off I go tonight to shampoo rugs...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Add 1 Cardboard box & 2 Kids = Hours of Fun

Yup you guessed it. I gave the kids the empty diaper box and they had a ball most of the day Sunday. The box went from being a boat, to a car, to a secret hiding spot, a puppet show, to something to sit on and finally to a table for a tea party.

What was cool was the fact that Gina and Joey didn't fight over who's box it was and just played together. It was awesome! No one was screaming "MINE, MINE" at the top of their lungs. They even sang "Row, Row Row Your Boat" at one point and used plastic golf clubs to row their boat. It was nice to sit in the kitchen, drink my coffee and just watch them have fun with each instead of having to break up a fight over who's is who's etc....

But, like all good things it must end and by Monday afternoon the box had been removed by Daddy due to fighting over it and Joey using at a ladder! Oh well, for a few hours they had fun together and worked together - At least it proves they are learning how to get along or at the very least put up with each other.

My goal is to get through a newspaper and a cup of coffee with out having to break up the two of them. Hmm, maybe next year?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday, Monday

Here we are its Monday and its raining again! This has been the worst summer I can remember weather wise!

The kids have only been in the pool a few times this summer so far and I am not sure if we will make in there again any time soon. Its 60 degrees out today with wind and rain. Its the perfect day for sweat pants and curling up on the couch.

I left this morning for the office and kids were sound a sleep. I went in to check on them after I was dressed expecting to see them up and ready to head down stairs; no sound asleep and comfortable. So quietly, I slipped away to work this morning secretly hoping I would get a phone call from Gina once I hit the office to say good morning. No luck - no call received so she must be very busy today being a mommy, doctor, Cinderella, or a Pink Doodle Bop. Which is good I definitely don't want her upset that she didn't see me this morning, as for Joey I am not sure if he would realize he didn't see me this morning. I guess, I will find out tonight...Hopefully, they didn't give Vin a hard time today!

Have a great Monday!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Fabulous Friday!

We've made it through another week! Its fabulous Friday!

Today on my way into the office I was thinking about how lucky I am to have such terrific people in my life. I write about a lot of trials and tribulations of being a working mom and sometimes wonder if its on the verge of sounding like I am complaining.

So for today's blog I want to share what's positive in my life as a working mom.

1. I have a fantastic support system at home - my husband Vinny! He is my rock, when we decided that he would stay home with the kids - he jumped into his roll immediately - taking care of the kids, figuring out there routines, teaching them, etc. He also does the majority of the cooking, cleaning, and laundry. I help out with picking up and laundry, dishes etc when I am home but for the most part its all Vinny. He amazes me and makes me proud to be his wife on a daily bases.

2. I have wonderful friends - I have a group of friends some I have known for a long time and others not so long. Some are SAHM's, some don't have any children, and others are working moms. We support each other and we let each other vent when we need to vent. I couldn't imagine my life without them. They make me laugh when I need to laugh, they inspire me, and give me the chance to return the favor.

3. Working full time - Is a challenge for a mom, but its also very rewarding to know that I am supporting my family and providing a home and all that goes with that.

4. My extended family - My parents, sister and Vinny family are all there for us in so many ways its hard to put it into words. From a quick phone call to check in, to offering to babysit the kids one evening so Vin and I can go out for dinner. They are there when the times are good and when the times are tough and I am so grateful!

5. My kids - I can' t imagine not having my kids in my life! I am so lucky to have them and to have them with no major health or disability issues. Yes, my Gina has serious food allergies but Vinny and I have worked very hard to provide her with food options that she can eat and continue to grow at a healthy steady pace. And what can I say about Joey he is just a happy go lucky little boy who loves to laugh and snuggle on a regular basis.

I am truly blessed! Have a terrific weekend!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kids + Mommy's White Shirt = Stain

Today for the first time in three years I am wearing a white shirt! Sounds weird huh? Well, when you have two little ones everything ends up on your shirt. So for the past three years I have wore a white shirt with a sweater over it or a jacket of some sort to "protect" it against the little stain makers!

So, today I decided I was going to throw caution to the wind and wear a white linen blouse to work. Not only did I have to iron it! (amazing feat unto itself in the AM) I was going to make it out of the house without a stain on it!

I am happy to report I made it out of the house without a stain on it which was not easy given the fact Gina and Joey were having toast with GRAPE jelly (thanks, Vin - you stinker) on it when I left this morning!

Well off to work I go. Here are a couple of pictures I took over the weekend off my cell phone.

Joey hanging out at the park:

Gina playing dress up - The socks on her hands are her "Gloves"!

Have a good Wednesday!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Its a Marvelous Monday!

OK, I know its annoying when people are overly happy on Monday's but I can't help myself. I am picking up Gina's birthday present today - her first bike! We postponed her party to mid-August because we want to get her a bike and money was a bit tight given our ongoing battle to maintain a family of 4 in this economy. But, thankfully we are on track now for the month of August and I can go pick up her bike today at lunch! Yahoo!!

This is one of the perks of being a parent! We don't spoil our kids with things or treats. But on special occasions such as birthdays and Christmas I love nothing better then going on the hunt for that special present that I know Gina or Joe will love! I love to see how excited they are. Gina is going to love her bike and has been talking about wanting a bike for a while. So this is perfect.
Now, I just have to wait until the party to give it to her! Hopefully, Vinny will be the strong one and keep us from giving to her before the party. I don't know though he is such a softy, he might not be able to wait either - we are bad we get so excited like two little kids...Let's see who holds out? Me or Vinny? I will let you know.

Have a Marvelous Monday!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Fabulous Friday!! We made it another week in the crazy chaos of the working mom world.

All in all, its been pretty quiet, no really big issue stands out in my mind, which sometimes is a blessing to just have a "regular" week. I have absolutely no idea what to do this weekend with the kids? I am hoping the weather will cooperates, which as you may have read previously it hasn't working out much of the summer during the weekends. But if it does I think we will head out to Aunt Lynda's for some swimming in her "big pool" as Gina calls it.

Have a fabulous Friday and a Fantastic Weekend!! Oh and Happy August 1St! Can't believe summer is almost over!! WOW!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Missed It!

Yesterday, I came home from work; Vin and the kids were outside playing in the kiddie pool having a great time. Joey was heading toward the pool after his snack and I asked, Vin "is he ok getting into the pool?" "Does he need help?"Vin looked over and said, "No he's ok he can do it." So I watched. Joe climbed into the kiddie pool like a pro! No biggy he was having a ball climbing in and out of the pool with his plastic watering can. Now of course the water isn't that deep and Vin is right there watching the two of them play. But still, I was like wow! "When did Joe get so agile on his feet that he can get in and out of the pool with stuff in his hand"? I missed it! I missed a milestone of Joe's independence. I was bummed. He is turning into a little boy so fast and I hadn't realized it until yesterday. I have been so busy lately; I get home have dinner, baths, and stories or the goodnight show with them and then the night is over and off to bed they go!

It's life's little reality check for working mom's - it reminds you to slow down, stop what your doing and pay attention because your kids are learning, growing and changing before your eyes.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Its amazing how the smallest thing can entertain the kids. Last night I brought home two balloons, a Cinderella and a Thomas the train one for each of them.

They had the best time with those balloons running around the house, pulling on the string making them bounce up and down. It was fun just to watch them so entertained by it all.

Its so easy to forget how the simple things are some times the best things of all. It helps me remember to not get so caught up in the rat race and enjoy the simple things.

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Baby is Three Today!! Happy Birthday Baby G!

Oh, I can't believe my baby is three today! Time really does fly when you have kids. Its amazing how quickly you change as a person and how quickly they change into 'little" people. Today, Gina likes to spend her days as either "SUPER GINA" or "Princess Gina". Of course she call's her brother "Prince Charpin" (Supose to be Charming). I can't imagine my life without her she makes me laugh, she pushes my patience, as she explores her independence, she amazes me with what she knows and she has learned how to love her brother, but also use him as her foil.....Its been a crazy, amazing, fun, stressful, exciting year!!

HappyBirthday Baby!! I love you!!