Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Changing of the leaves...begins

I can't believe today is September 30Th! It is amazing to me how fast time goes by! Wow, and now begins the foliage season. Below are some pictures of New England foliage. I love these and thought you would enjoy!

Big Maple

Lake view

Foliage with a View of the City of Boston

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, September 29, 2008


Vinny is an avid bass fisherman, he loves to get out there on the lake with his friends and try and catch the "big one." It's his down time to decompress. Gina decided after daddy left for fishing she was going to "go fishing too". Here is a picture of my little fisherman! The Mt. Dew box was her tackle box, the plastic golf club was her fishing rod and of course she had her fishing hat on.

Sorry the picture is so blurry -its from my camera phone. She won't let me take her picture with my regular camera because of the flash.

Marvelous Monday

Well, here we are its Monday and its been raining for three days in a row, UGH!! I haven't written for a while life has been busy to say the least. More on that later.

Given the fact the it rained all weekend we decided to hang out in our sweats and watch movies and eat popcorn. It was nice to just sit back and relax given the crazy week. The kids are doing great growing like weeds. Joey's new trick is climbing up on the kitchen chairs and up on the top of the kitchen table. Not cool! I had almost forgotten about this stage - Gina did the same exact thing at 18 months. So, now we are back to vigilantly watching where Joey is at all times. Not that we don't keep an eye on the kids, but we could let them play in the living room and just pop in and out while doing something else around the house for a few minutes. Hopefully, Joey will move past this stage quickly! Keep your fingers crossed!
Well off to work I go. I have a lot of pictures to post from my camera. I hope to do that tonight.
Have a Marvelous Monday!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Fabulous Friday!

OK I know the picture is a nauseating but I couldn't resist. Well we made it through the week and heading for the weekend! Ya...

The kids are doing well settled back into the routine after vacation fairly quickly, which is good news. I am so glad its the weekend! Aww love the weekend!
Have a good one!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today as we know is the annversary of 9/11 and as I started my day I remembered back to that horrible day that started out as a crisp, sunny morning with just a hint of fall in the air. As I walked to work that morning I remember thinking what a beautiful day. Shortly, after my arrival at the office the first plane struct the World Trade Center and I couldn't believe what I was hearing on the radio I went to a friend of mine and remember saying "Why is this happening!" Shortly after that my office was sent home; I can remember walking back home and the streets were silent, you could hear a pin drop, I looked up and saw 2 F16 scream by as they headed to Logan airport. I will never forget that feeling of sorrow and fear as I slowly walked up the street to my apartment.
As the days progressed I remember being glued to the TV listening to the stories of the many people who lost there lives and wondering if this country would ever be the same after this.
Today, my life has changed so much in the past seven years since 9/11 I am so grateful for the opportunities I have in my life, for Vinny, my family, my kids and friends. Today reminds all of us to slow down to stop and smell the roses and be thankful for all that we have.
I think of those who lost there lives and hope they are at peace.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Green Eggs and Ham Anyone?

Have you ever tried to read Green Eggs and Ham when your exhausted? Well, I did and let me tell you it is a brain bender at 8:30 at night after your first day back to work after a vacation.

Gina and Joey both did really well yesterday with the transition of mommy going back work. I was really glad no one melted down and gave Vinny a hard time. So, after Joey was in bed, Gina and I spent some one on one time together. Gina picked Green Eggs and Ham as her bed time story. It was all I could do to get the words out in an audible manner. At one point Gina looked at me with this inquisitive look, "Hm, Mommy can't ready either"! It was pretty funny. But she was patient with me as I stumbled through. Then off to bed she went. Although, the book was a tongue twister it was worth getting to spend one on one time together. I even got an "I Love you, Mommy". Love you to baby!

Have a terrific Tuesday!


Pictures received from Auntie Lynda - Some are a couple months old but I had to share.
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Monday, September 8, 2008

Marvelous Monday

Bummer, back from vacation! It was awesome I loved being home and just being a mom. We spent alot of time outside playing and enjoying the weather I couldn't have asked for a better week. The kids had a blast in pool and loved just hang out and playing ball, drawing pictures with them and fixing meals.

Vin and I were able to get alot done around the house and I took the kids to there doctor appointments. Gina is 36 inches tall and finally hit the 30 pound mark which is terrific. Joey is 33 inches tall and 26 and 3/4 pounds! He is a big boy for his age. Gina also had her allergy testing done, and the results were very disappointing her numbers stayed the same for eggs and milk and her whey numbers went up. So no milk products or eggs this year. We will try again next year.

This morning was hard Gina wanted "Mommy to not go to work and stay home and play." I tried to explain that vacation was over and Mommy had to go back to work. She understood but was not happy at all. Hopefully, she is a good girl today for daddy. Joey was ok, because he didn't see me leaving the house - I am sure after he figured it out their may have been some tears but I am hoping as well that he is a good boy for daddy.

Well back to work I go! Have a Marvelous Monday!