Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Missed It!

Yesterday, I came home from work; Vin and the kids were outside playing in the kiddie pool having a great time. Joey was heading toward the pool after his snack and I asked, Vin "is he ok getting into the pool?" "Does he need help?"Vin looked over and said, "No he's ok he can do it." So I watched. Joe climbed into the kiddie pool like a pro! No biggy he was having a ball climbing in and out of the pool with his plastic watering can. Now of course the water isn't that deep and Vin is right there watching the two of them play. But still, I was like wow! "When did Joe get so agile on his feet that he can get in and out of the pool with stuff in his hand"? I missed it! I missed a milestone of Joe's independence. I was bummed. He is turning into a little boy so fast and I hadn't realized it until yesterday. I have been so busy lately; I get home have dinner, baths, and stories or the goodnight show with them and then the night is over and off to bed they go!

It's life's little reality check for working mom's - it reminds you to slow down, stop what your doing and pay attention because your kids are learning, growing and changing before your eyes.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Its amazing how the smallest thing can entertain the kids. Last night I brought home two balloons, a Cinderella and a Thomas the train one for each of them.

They had the best time with those balloons running around the house, pulling on the string making them bounce up and down. It was fun just to watch them so entertained by it all.

Its so easy to forget how the simple things are some times the best things of all. It helps me remember to not get so caught up in the rat race and enjoy the simple things.

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Baby is Three Today!! Happy Birthday Baby G!

Oh, I can't believe my baby is three today! Time really does fly when you have kids. Its amazing how quickly you change as a person and how quickly they change into 'little" people. Today, Gina likes to spend her days as either "SUPER GINA" or "Princess Gina". Of course she call's her brother "Prince Charpin" (Supose to be Charming). I can't imagine my life without her she makes me laugh, she pushes my patience, as she explores her independence, she amazes me with what she knows and she has learned how to love her brother, but also use him as her foil.....Its been a crazy, amazing, fun, stressful, exciting year!!

HappyBirthday Baby!! I love you!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Its Friday! I can't believe how quickly this week went by and how quickly this summer is going by. When you think about it there is six weeks left until Labor day! Then its time to start planning for the holidays! I am really looking forward to the holidays this year with kids. I think we will get out to see the lights this year at Eddiville Railroad now that Joe is bigger. It is Awesome!

I can hardly wait for Vin and I to go on our annual Christmas shopping trip this year. We do all the shopping for the kids in one day. I spend the week looking at the ads and then we map out our course and were off just the two of us. Its fun to shop for the kids together and its time for just the two of us to spend together. OK I can't believe I am talking about Christmas already - OH, I am never going to hear the end of it when my sister reads this (aka Mrs Claus) She LOVES Christmas and literally starts shopping for next Christmas the day after Christmas! OK enough about the holidays for now.

Looks like the weekend is going to clear up nice and we should be able to spend a lot of time outside. Vinny just called to ask me a quick question and I could here the kids in the back around belling laughing - I love that sound!! Sounds like they are having a fun morning together! I hope it lasts all day!

Have a Fabulous Friday!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Good morning - Mamma

I love the way Gina says good morning sometimes, she pop's up in bed when she hears me walk by on my way to dress for work and she says, "Good morning, Mamma"! In this sweet happy little voice. Now it doesn't always happen this way, as with anyone, G has her good mornings and bad. But, when she does wake up this way I love it. It always puts a smile on my face. I respond to her with a "Good morning, baby did you sleep well?" She responds " Yup" and smiles. The day Begin's on a positive note and I love it!

Other news, I have been working on my blog design lately as you may have noticed. I would love to here your thoughts on the design and for anyone of you experienced bloggers any tips you could share would to be very helpful!

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sleepy - Is it Tuesday or Wednesday?

I know I am tired because I keep forgetting what day it is! Is it Tuesday or Wednesday? I have to keep looking at my calendar to make sure I am on the right day heading to the right meeting. I finished my iced coffee way to early and have started on my Diet Pepsi.

Why am I so tired? Well my sweet baby boy Joe is still getting up 4 times a night!! You may remember that Joe started getting up throughout the night last week because he was sick - which is totally understandable given the situation.
But, now my little man is healthy and should be back on track....Well you know what happens when you get up 4 or 5 times a night when your sick and your mommy comes to your rescue?
You figure out if you SCREAM and I mean SCREAM (The boy has a set of pipes on him) at the top of your lungs mommy will come barreling into your room, barely able to make it through the door without taking a toe off due to the half sleep stupor she's in. Its called Mommy autopilot!
Joey now thinks to himself, "Hm mm this is cool, Mommy is now my puppet and I can get her to do my bidding...." Evil laugh

Now of course I am not sure what Joey is thinking, but it basically means I have to start over and sleep train the boy all over again to get him back on track; Its going to take a month....
Back to the drawing board!
Have a good Wednesday!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday, Monday

Its Monday again, how quickly the week-end goes by - Sorry I think I say that every Monday. Good news Joey is better, bad news Gina and Vinny don't feel well now. BUMMER! So as I left for work this morning everyone was hanging out in the living room with blankets, pillows, Juice (Mt Dew for Vin) and TV with the AC on.

I am so tired and have no motivation at all. Joey was up on Friday night at least four times, Saturday twice night and finally Sunday night he got up once and Gina woke up once too.

I can't wait for everyone to feel better so we can get them back into there sleeping routine!

As a side note, my truck broke down and Vin spent the better part of Sunday evening fixing it. But, glad to report its running and now we just have to wait and see if the engine light goes out.

Keep your fingers crossed everyone gets health this week including my truck.

Have a great Monday.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Its Friday! YAHOO

I love Friday's, no matter what it always feels like the last day of school when your in 5Th grade or 6Th grade and you know the whole summer is going to be filled with swimming, BBQ, playing out side, and sleep overs.

It makes we want to run out the door of my office building and throw my blackberry up in the air and yell Yahoo schools out!!

OK, did everyone get a visual on that. Good. I hope it gave you a laugh or maybe a shake of the head and a "What's wrong with her?"

I haven't blogged in a bit - Joey is sick this week and it hasn't been fun. You know the routine, if your a mom you have done it several hundred times since becoming a mom. Joe's up every couple of hours throughout the night because his fever spiked so your up - in the tub he goes to cool down (he just gets way to hot!), more Tylenol, Juice and loves!! Lots of loves.

BOOM! 5:00am hits and the sun is just coming up, Joe falls asleep; comfortable and content - you have to be in the shower in a half hour and get your big girl pants on and go to work! Enough said.....

But, I am happy to report that his antibiotics are kicking in so we should see the old Joey up and bouncing around in no time. Plus, my love bug Gina has taken on the roll of "doctor" and has decided she "Will check him out" and "Read him stories". She is a great big sister!

Now the trick is to keep everyone else healthy in the house! Yikes!! Got Lysol!

Have a fabulous Friday!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Picture Day

I sat down last night after the kids went to bed and was able to download pictures off my camera. Here are some outside shots of the kids:

Gina and her duckie!
Gina and her duckie

Joe checking out the shopping cart
Joe Close up

Gina "TA DAH"
Gina Ta Dah

Joe with dirt on his nose and sticking out his tongue - But having fun!
Joe and the tongue

Have a good Tuesday!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday, Monday

OK, its Monday - Monday morning's are hard in my house for two reasons.

1. During the weekend the kids have both mommy and daddy.
2. Mommy is heading back to work.

Now, I am not saying they don't enjoy their time with Daddy, but they would rather have us both home with them. As would any kid - its fun to do things together as a family and they know the difference.

The morning starts off with Gina getting up and saying, "Do you want to play Mommy?" She can see I am getting dressed in my "work clothes" and I say, "Sorry honey, I can't play right now, "Its Monday and I have to go to work today, but we will play when I get home."

She looks up at me and says, "OK" and walk off to play in the living room.

Oh, its like a knife in my heart every time and it doesn't get easier with time, no matter what anyone else tells you. You will always be a mom in your heart first - even if you love your job.

So, I get my stuff together for the day - load the dish washer, and head into the living room to kiss the kids goodbye. I kiss and hug them each and tell them both "to be good and have a great day and I will see you this afternoon" - (sounds better than tonight).

Joey give me a big smile and a quick "MA". (Just starting to talk more) Gina jumps down from the couch and follows me out to the door - She has her purse with her and she is talking a mile minute - "Don't forget your bag mommy, don't forget your lunch - " Daddy and I are going to plant flowers today!" She has a big smile on her face excited at the idea of planting flowers today.

I leave and get in the car and Gina yells from the window and waves "Have a good day!"

She is going to be OK today and most always is and I am too. Its just hard, its a reality of life right now. But leaving knowing they both had smiles on there faces makes a Monday a bit easier to swallow.

Have a good Monday!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dance Baby Dance....

Last night after dinner we decided it was a dance party night. We usually have dance party on Friday night's to celebrate the end of the week and the beginning of the weekend. But, figuring Friday was a holiday and we would be out and about. Vin and I selected a couple of Cd's and cranked up the music in the kitchen and began to dance.

Everyone gets involved in dance party Gina spends her time spinning around the kitchen/dinning room like a ballerina. Gina has dancing down and she loves it. Joey who has just started walking on his own is shaking his head back and forth to the beat of the music almost losing his balance on more then one occasion due to the sheer speed he moves his head back and forth. Its a two piece move for Joe, while moving his head he also bends his knees up and down, side to is very cute!

There were two Minor collisions during the event but all were OK. At the end of Dance party Mommy and Daddy take a moment for a slow dance to one of their favorite songs while the two little ones watch with a dumbfounded look on there face of 'huh" why are they dancing????

Dance party is a lot of fun for my family - it relieves stress of the day (sometimes the week) and burns a lot of energy!

I have pictures which I will post shortly. Thanks for reading and if I don't catch you tomorrow have a terrific 4Th of July!!
Dancing Joe Dancing Gina #2

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Shades of Magenta

One more day at the office then off for the 4Th! Can't wait!

Four days home with the family. Yahoo! We are already gearing up for the 4Th of July - heading to Auntie Lynda's for a barbecue and swimming, which the kids are going to love.

I Need to get some baking done to bring to the party and check the paper for the start time of the local fire work's display. Not sure how Joey's going to react to the noise? I think Gina is really going to enjoy them this year - as I am constantly reminded by Gina - "I am a big girl now, not a baby!"

Speaking of Gina, my baby girl is not so much of baby anymore, (as she stated above) she will be THREE on July 29Th. She talks up a storm, spells words, dances, sings and loves to pretend she is a "mommy" or "Cinderella". I think we are going to get her a tricycle this year.

It is amazing how fast she has grown and how fast we have grown as parents! Just three short years ago I was stumbling around a new "world" called motherhood and I really didn't have a clue. I was a nervous new mom and unsure if I was doing everything "right" for my new baby girl.

Those first few weeks as a new mom were daunting for me. No sleep, no experience, and a baby who didn't sleep for more than three hours at a time. WOW! It took a while, but once we figured out Gina's allergies and I gained my confidence as a mom we settled into a routine.

But, as you know no routine lasts forever when you have a growing child. I think the biggest thing for me to learn was that kids and routines will always change and morph into something new and different and you have to learn to move and change with them or you will drive yourself nuts.

Kids are not black and white they are shades of Magenta and what a great way to be. I say magenta, because kids are inherently intrigue by the world around them, to see every thing as exciting and new - ready to explore. Kids are experts at thinking out side the box.

So, I think today I will try to look at things in shades of Magenta!

Gina four days old!

Gina 2 years old, 7 months!