Monday, May 25, 2009

Where the fun is

We now have our dock fixed and the upper deck in order. So we are really enjoying our time outside. As you can see I found and awesome picnic table for the kids. I am still on the hunt for a table for me and Vin.

My Little Farmers

My little farmers helping out with daddy's tomato plants.

Sunsets at Home

Long Week End Fun

So this year for Memorial Day I took an extra day and have been home since Friday. I have to say I love extended weekends. Its awesome being home with the kids and Vin. We had so much fun. The weather was awesome and the kids had a blast in the pool and playing out side. It was relaxing and eventful. The both of best worlds. Now its 8:45pm and the kids are in bed and Vin I are winding down. Back to work tomorrow...but lets not think about that for now...Vin and I are sitting at the kitchen table, eating pizza - Vin's reading his book and obviously I am blogging and downloading photos from the weekend. Who knows what tomorrow will bring to follow.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Big Vinny and little "Vinny"...

This picture crack's me up everytime I look at it! Vinny's in the back round blowing bubbles for "kids" and Joey is stealing all the bubble soap on his way by...But ,what is funny is the look on Joey's face if you have ever seen Vinny make the same exact face you know what I am talking about. Joey is Vinny's "mini me"!

Ok I am a month (almost) behind again....

I am almost a month behind, again I know. I have to say things are really not stressful, just busy. Vin and I are busy getting the rest of our things transferred over to Indiana from Mass. Cars, insurance, doctors, dentist etc. You can't even imagine the paper work involved to get a license and registration here! Wow!

I am happy to say we are almost done with all of it. Just in time to enjoy the summer on the lake. The kids are doing awesome, Gina is really coming into her own now, she is getting smarter by the minute and with that comes its own challenges. She always has a story to tell me every night when I come home and always wants to help fold the laundry. My big boy Joey is growing as well, not only his he big for his age ( size 3T )he is talking up a storm and making sentences - its amazing how quickly he put it all together. The kids actually play together now more and play nice more often now, than just fighting over toys. (Thank goodness!)

I can honestly say everyone is settling in nicely and we all like the area we picked. Vin told me the other day at first he wasn't sure because of how far away everything "seemed" to be. But, now that he has the hang of it (mind you the store is only 10 minutes away!!) it has grown on him. He is very excited to start fishing soon like a kid on Christmas morning. I can hear him giggling (yes, giggling) in the garage as he works on his fishing rods - getting them ready for the big "splash down". I love to see him so happy. Its been along time and a long road.
Have a fabulous Thursday!